Well, this turned into an interesting thread. The suggestion to do the informal survey at a business parking lot is a good one. The people at the crafts fair probably don't represent commuters. We have a lot of "winter Texans" down here and they arrive pulling their fifth wheels and trailers, which require larger and heavier vehicles. I'd bet that they even have a smaller car at home waiting for them. The only one I couldn't fully understand was the over-the-road tractor that someone drove to the crafts fair. This wasn't a 450 or 650 Ford, but a true tractor (didn't get the make).
Yes people will spend the money they have on what they want. Best example was what appeared to be a $1M+ bus motor home with a Jaguar as their tow vehicle...
seen last summer driving through town.
Love the Nebraska signature...Luckily I've never had hallucinations while driving to visit the relatives.