Originally Posted by yoyoyoda
I am utterly convinced, as much as Hitler was convinced, of a genetic marker which dictates who suceeds in a life of selfishness, greed, and who are extremely jealous.
You might think that I'm racist, you would be right, I'm against the human race utterly destroying my only home in this galaxy and leaving my home for dead. The only difference between me and Hitler is, I don't care about skin color or what race you are. ALL you need to be is Human and you are on my bad side.
Wow. You compare yourself to Hitler (who are we to disagree?), you admit you are a racist (then deny it) and you declare yourself to be anti-human.
Why am I so angry? Because I have seen SUV families utterly destroy and pave over the exact same area that I used to live in as a kid, the place that I grew up in is now a play toy for the rich.
So you are angry at the world, bitter and lashing out.
Enjoy the bitter pill bud. And welcome to the club
Who in their right mind would want to be a part of your "club" of bitterness? Your long-winded rants are not only politicized; when you declare that you hate humanity it sounds like you have emotional and psychological problems.