Originally Posted by California98Civic
I have a great aunt in law who has an incandescent bulb in a lamp in her house that she says she installed in 1968.
It belongs in a museum.
Originally Posted by Xist
So, I have dated various and diverse women, some of whom I have mentioned here. I dated one a year ago with a Mercury Sable that I was trying to keep running. Her roommate, who was on food stamps, kept saying "You don't understand! I need..."
The single greatest failure of the Modern Intellectual 20th and 21st century is that no Scientist has ever been given the right to say publicly that Consumerism is an extremely strong addiction just as strong as Drugs and must be hindered at all costs for fear of destroying our own planet through over consumption.
But no.. that would hurt sales.
"But we’re addicted. Addicted to growth, to more, to bigger, to faster, to status, to the illusion of certainty, to convenience, to mediocrity, to an unhealthy and unbalanced level of comfort, to processed food, to conformity, to non-stop round-the-clock everything. We’re addicted to consuming the planet, and with it all the elemental building blocks that make up our flesh and bone. We’re killing both our egocentric and holistic selves, and we can’t seem to help either. "
Even I know ALL of this, and even though it is screaming in my face I still cannot kick the habit of consumption. Though I DO TRY and buy useful ****, regularly I will still just zone out and spend all of my cash on stuff I don't actually need. Then I'll wake up out of the zone that I was in and say "what the hell did I just buy??"
Its JUST LIKE mind control! Nay, it IS mind control.
And to top it all off, people have kids in DROVES, in sheer utter blindness of the fact that we are heavily and grossly over populated, they listen to the dumb politicians and say "sir yes sir, I will have as many babies as you want me to!, its good for the economy!"...
And then there is the parents who had kids in the 80s and 90s who just thought everything was all roses and sunshine because they spent the majority of their lives growing up on farmland, so they were conditioned towards having no or very little people around, so therefore they think that this whole overpopulation thing is just a temporary thing, and by the time they had kids it was too late because they were already born.
The 80s and 90s was the best decade we will ever experience in our lifetimes, know how I know? Because I just do. People won't stop at 7 billion, there are far too many people on the planet who think that 7 billion is a challenge, something to be conquered and surpassed like a dumb college geek while on their way to FOOTBALL COLLEGE.
Soon it will be 8-9-10 billion, then we will go past that, 11 12 13 14 billion.
At about 13 billion there will be garbage covered streets year round in new york, public transportation will cost $50 a ticket, bottled water will be $5, a taxi is now a minivan and suburbia will be a crime ridden gut wrenching death filled hell hole full of burnt out and crushed Honda CRX's (by 4x4's and their drivers looking for spare gas, "oh your car is fuel efficient is it? That must mean its got lots of petrol!")
Know why? Ever wondered why the population growth rate is dwindling? Its because of idiocracy, the efficiency and prevalence of consumerism is so great it is actually forcing us to procreate without a purpose in life, without intelligence, so therefore the machine of growth, the ability to create new markets for consumption, the ability for us to escape earth and colonize other planets is decreasing as each decade goes on, our global intelligence is dropping like a rock. People spend $5 billion dollars a year on ringtones alone, that has to tell you something.
Also, Since when was a human being a good substitute for a tree?
A tree gives me shade to read a book under.
A tree gives me oxygen to breathe.
A tree prevents soil erosion and landslides (which kill people).
A tree fertilizes the soil with its dead leaves.
A tree gives me food and provides lumber for a house to live in.
What does a modern human being provide?
Uneducated offspring kids.
An addiction to a finite resource.
Mass Deforestation and the extinction of species.
Pain and Misery.
Greed, Lust, Murder, Selfishness, Attitude problems, Ignorance and Violence.
Please tell me you don't want to live in that kind of a world, full of more of these kinds of people.
And you know what the saddest thing is? This topic is shunned, its taboo, its destroyed as being racist or some bull**** before its even ever given the light of day.
Know why? Because its against the corporations will.