You can up motor current by turning VR1 on control board. Schematics say that full counter-clockwise should give ~495A. In my experience full CCW gives something between 400-450A. I never saw my motor amps go higher than 400 using that setting. Then, fully clockwise should set motor amps hardware limit to 775A. I believe this should be closer to "burn rubber"-setting. Be careful. System is tried and proved at 500A. If you want to have that 775A (or whatever it will actually be) going into your motor for higher rpms you need to up your pack voltage (higher motor voltage).
Now somebody please correct me if this isn't true. I'm about to turn that VR1 a bit more CW when I open the controller case next time. I still have studded tires so I'm avoiding any wheelspins anyway.
EDIT: but if you are using 1000A controller my advice is useless. I thought you had 500A version there.