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Old 02-23-2014, 09:54 PM   #76 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cobb View Post
Yeah, next time an officer of the law asks you a question or series of questions tell him its none of his bees wax.

Seriously, hes doing a pesudo polygraph. He ask your name, color of car or something thats true, then other questions and watch your eyes. Eye Direction and Lying - How to detect lies from the direction of an individual's gaze / visual accessing cues.
You might think yourself skilled at interrogation or a wannabe cop, but consider the following scenario that happened a few decades ago.

School principals are considered of the highest ranking officials in dominion over both their students and often the parents of students as well. Dominance can be used for the benefit of those of lower rank, but also to their detriment. One day a young Latina girl was sent before the principal. She didn't want to answer the questions asked of her. Her eyes were downcast. He thought she must be guilty of something.

She was assumed to be guilty. She couldn't look at him. Bad gaze. Bad cues. She MUST be guilty, right? She certainly looked it.

Indeed she WAS guilty. She was full of guilt. She had inappropriate guilt from inappropriate, undeserved deference to authority, although that which we have come to call "respect" was hardly that of true respect.

Respect is not a one way street. Respect means I'm looking at you, and you are looking at me. If you can stare at me, I will stare back at you.
No, my mind would be the same. I work for the gov and been through a back ground check. Ever fill out a e-QIP? Then they turn around and hook the electrodes to the above mentioned body parts and read it back to you.
Do you know what you can do with your polygraph? You can continue to take it. Good luck with your job as a government employee.
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