You know you're a ecomodder if
... you haven't bought gasoline since May 13th, 2008 and never plan to again in the future.
... your budget description transforms from "auto payment/gas/repairs/maintenance/ insurance/parking" to simply "other transportation expenses".
... you just dislike driving a car, period.
... you've ridden a bicycle in -13*F weather, with a snowmobile helmet, mittens, ski-pants, and a thick winter jacket.
... you regularly check the weather for winds/precipitation and adjust your commute accordingly.
... You think the $2.10 for a 1-way city bus ride is ridiculous because your transportation costs less than 7 pennies for each mile travelled (and goes down with every trip).
Last edited by Peakster; 07-05-2008 at 07:53 PM..