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Old 03-04-2014, 08:38 PM   #23 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Active control surfaces

Hi P-Hack,

Are you suggesting active counter measures like "fly by wire". I had thought of this in a moment of madness. If we had military or NASA budgets, that might be a possible solution. Think of the F-117. Besides, do we really want a bunch of code monkeys designing active control systems for our streamliners? Fighter jocks volunteer and get paid to risk their lives on monkey code. Unfortunately, if you fly on a modern airliner, you're a potential victim of bad code. I haven't flown since before 11 Sept 2001 and don't plan to. Apologies in advance to the real code monkeys among the readers.

Once, when I was looking at Vetter's long tail, a trim tab came to mind but he routinely rides through areas of rapidly shifting side wind directions, a worst case situation. A trim tab may be an option for some conditions but be aware of situation changes!

I have tried to think of how an active spoiler system could be implemented but nothing remotely simple comes to mind. Stall strips are the simplest solution I presently know of. Remember, K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid)

Passive automatic means are best for reliability in the real world.

-- Teri

Originally Posted by P-hack View Post
I dunno, probably the "best" solution, since a streamlined bike is like a cantilevered wing in even a bit of crosswind is some sort of high up control surface in the tail (nose?) plus appropriate consideration of the torque moments and demands on the traction points, plus some way to control it under various conditions. "fly" it (vertically) through the crosswinds.

Last edited by Teri_TX; 03-04-2014 at 08:43 PM.. Reason: added explanation of K.I.S.S. for non-Americans
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