Originally Posted by Mista Bone
I do NOT prefer the longer geared transmissions.
53 MPG in my 93 DX HB with aero/performance upgrades using a stock geared DX transmission.
What Old Mech said in the previous post. And also, a 1992-1995 vx/cx transmission would essentially shift your current rpms in 5th to 4th, and 4th to 3rd (almost exactly). Downshift and you'll get the same acceleration characteristics, but then you have 5th gear down near 2000 rpms at 60mph for cruising. This is my setup right now in my DX civic. At times I cruise at 60 mph getting over 70 mpg, but on average in mild weather I top 60mpg at steady 60 mph without even trying. I should run a test, using my current 4th gear and 5th gear in an ABA pattern experiment to show the difference in mpg the gearing makes.