I still think stealth is the way to go. There aren't many free places to "camp" but a normal looking minivan with normal registration can sit just about anywhere for free for 24 he's at a time, some places much longer. Any travel trailer or actual RV will get a knock on the door from the sheriff, ranger, highway patrol, etc. Most rv parks will cost more then food everyday. It's great if you are as said above, working in the oil fields with lots of money and little free time to mess around like you said with ice and comfort. Or if you don't want to actually travel around the country then getting 10mpg towing or driving a rv may be OK. I get the picture in this case the person wants to travel around, see the country, while still getting some work done but not with the kind of money a normal retired person doing this has. My father and step mom lived like this in a Dodge tradesman van on the Oregon coast in the early 80s just collecting 5 cent cans and bottles (those went pretty far back then). Mo's clam chouder on a beach fire, million dollar views every morning and night, no boss, few worries.
He then went back to normal employment, then bought his own business, and now is probably the wealthiest person I know. Still pretty frugal in his life but surprised me a few months back saying he was thinking of spending almost 100g on a classic vette he has always wanted. He also still has travel adventures but stays at the Econolodge.