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Old 03-10-2014, 08:38 PM   #42 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by yoyoyoda View Post
True, but the new coolant won't be cooling anymore because the radiator is blocked.

PS: If I done that then the idea would get shot down quicker by logic and reason and the other users on this wonderfully annoying forum which state the obvious and oblivious every fifteen seconds, its really ****ing annoying actually.

I've found that Mista Bone loves to state the obvious actually, really annoying in one of my other threads when I'm trying to look like an expert.

But I"m sure I've done the same to others while joining this forum.

And then someone just stole my ****ing idea:

That's twice thats happened now, **** this I quit this forum!
Does that mean you'll leave my thread that had nothing to do with thermostats??
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