Bam,glad you and co-pilot got in safe.It was a nasty night for travel.
The numbers reflect the real-world variability of on-road testing (gee,wonder why they have wind tunnels?) but also suggest reward for Hucho's recommended tapered elongation.
From Toyota's reporting,it looks like you would have seen 1-mpg added to all your numbers if with the standard M-5 transmission.And maybe another 4-mpg to them all with the 4-banger instead of the V-6.
It's a very interesting place to be.And it can only get better as things evolve.
Kudos and congrats from the University of Hard Knox!
PS,the Dallas College of Culinary Arts is asking about your fried rice!

PPS,the ease of backing and turning the 1-wheeler makes that of my 2-wheeler seem like a root canal!