What are your specs?
i don't know your chemistry or cell arrangement or the rated capacity, but if you measure capacity then you could compare that to the rated spec capacity to determine how worn out they are. Over time they will wear out. Aren't the Leaf batteries supposed to retain ~70-80% capacity over 10 years?
There is no spec on internal resistance--You don't know the internal resistance when they were new--and what can that measurement tell you now, there is nothing to compare against? Plus that value can change depending upon how heavy you load during testing--i don't see any use for it, whereas capacity is a known quantity that you can easily measure and compare and use to determine remaining life, etc.
Lithium cells get permanently damaged if they go into reversal, any talk of reverse charging is voodoo science--probably want to stay away from voodoo
Last edited by kennybobby; 03-23-2014 at 09:37 AM..