Originally Posted by Ryland
Why not buy a low mile engine and have that tuned instead of fully rebuilt?
Do things like balance all of the moving parts to be as close as possible, replace the parts that do wear.
An engine with less then 80,000 miles on it will cost you $400 to $500, you could even install an engine like that as is other then a few things like new timing belt and still come out spending less then $1,000 without you lifting a finger other then to write a check.
That's sort of what I ended up doing with the White Gnat last year when the original engine went bad. "Plan A" was to get a valve job, but when an oil starvation problem destroyed the freshly refurbished head, my mechanic found a 7000 mile engine in a local junk yard and installed that for free. That's the engine I'm now so pleased with and hitting 60 mpg with. Plenty of power when I need it, too.