Sorry if I overlooked posts on your Smart Car.
The snippet below is what I've seen on the Dust-to-Dust "study" to assert the Prius is more environmentally damaging than any other car. Aren't there thousands of products sourced from several continents like this with globalization? This argument looks like cherry-picking.
Originally Posted by Ptero
But when I researched well-to-wheels efficiency in hybrids and ran the numbers, little petroleum cars kept coming out on top. Then when I looked deeper, I found a lot of hidden subsidies that skewed the stated efficiency numbers in favor of hybrids. It is impossible to mine lithium in Bolivia, haul it to the Pacific coast of South America, transport it by ship to South Korea, make it into batteries, ship those batteries to Detroit, install and run them in hybrid cars for 7 to 10 years, perform end-of-life recycling and still be able to justify ANY mpg gain. At its foundation, it was a political social engineering subsidy transferring wealth from those who did not have hybrids to those who did.