Originally Posted by Ptero
You mean "tact." When I realized political correctness was destroying my country, I said to hell with it. Back to being forthright and saying exactly what I think. People who don't like it can go **** themselves.
No real problem with saying what you think, though you perhaps ought to recall the old saying about it being better to keep silent and be thought an idiot, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Just for example, consider a few of the idiocies in this sentence:
It is impossible to mine lithium in Bolivia, haul it to the Pacific coast of South America, transport it by ship to South Korea, make it into batteries, ship those batteries to Detroit, install and run them in hybrid cars for 7 to 10 years, perform end-of-life recycling and still be able to justify ANY mpg gain.
Even on the charitable assumption that your economic calculations there are correct, the assumptions on which they're based are just plain wrong.