Originally Posted by Old Mechanic
I'll get a chance to ride my bike today, a $650 2004 GZ250 Suzuki with 3300 miles (when purchased). I'm hoping to hit 90MPG this summer but might not quite get there if I refuse to slow down, which on my routes means getting jacked by alot more of the normal 4-6 of 46 traffic lights.
I bought my bike in 07 as a left over and now has over 43,000 trouble free miles. Now that i'm learning to get max mpg's out of the Prius C i might try some on the bike but it's fun to twist the throttle in some sweet sweeping turns
46 traffic lights? Man that's gotta hurt. I can take 2 ways to work in Orlando on Tuesdays. One is Hwy 50 and probably has 40+ lights to and from work but the other route is Florida turn pike with 0 lights but 3 tolls each way. I've tried the Hwy 50 before but it takes too much time and i'm not saving much money trying to avoid the tolls on the turn pike. It comes down to which is the lesser of the 2 evils.