Originally Posted by spacemanspif
... Not sure but maybe Elio is using truncated rears for the aesthetics at the cost of efficiency but better profit. Lets be honest, the people on this board are a small sect of the general population and even if everyone active on this site bought a 2014 Elio, the company would fail. So they need to appeal to a more broad spectrum of car buyers and styling is a great way to do so. Will it cost 5 or even 10mpg? Maybe. But it might sell 10,000 more units...
I think you're absolutely right in this. I'm active on an Elio Facebook board; there was a huge backlash when these faired wheels showed up. The previous version was basically an oversized bicycle fender with not much material at the front, and the rear extending about to 4 o'clock if I recall. A perfect wind catcher. People love that look and will be buying them to retrofit their Elios!
I really like the spring-mounted fairing tail idea.