Originally Posted by Frank Lee
There is a difference between punishment by The Lawr and members of the public expressing disapproval; we all know that too often The Lawr is motivated primarily by financial gain so for that reason it is easy to dismiss that punishment as merely a wealth transfer. The offender's core beliefs about their violation remain justified in their minds and perhaps, for a while, they are merely a little more low-key about committing them.
Frank, your broadcasting the guy's name, address and phone number goes beyond "public shaming". That's going too far and it amounts to your being a provocateur, or a wanna-be cop, or rabble rouser. The guy acted recklessly and he will get what he deserves, sooner or later. Actually, as the driver of the other car realized, he DID get what he deserved when he spun out of control and damaged his truck - mostly because he was focused upon revenge,
illustrated in his distracting himself from his driving, by giving the finger. If he hadn't been so PO'd he might have driven off with no incident.
Someone earlier on in this thread mentioned "karma".
Live and let live. If you invoke retribution you will attract it, you will be obsessed with it, and you will receive it in return.