Originally Posted by redpoint5
Recently I was passed on the soft left shoulder of I-5. The thing was, traffic was stopped due to the freeway being completely shut down by a truck\trailer\boat wreck. The guy behind didn't like that I only crawled along at idle to close any gap that would develop in front of me. Over the next 2hrs, he only gained the 1 car length from passing me. Secretly, I wanted a cop to pull him over, or for him to pick up a nail in his tire.
Watched a guy do this in a stopped highway. then I saw that he was stopping when he got up to a car. then would sit a while and let a bunch of cars pass him as he sat on the side of the road. Then he would startup and drive along passed the stopped cars till he got back up to the car that marked "his spot"
Learn from the mistakes of others, that way when you mess up you can do so in new and interesting ways.
One mile of road will take you one mile, one mile of runway can take you around the world.