Originally Posted by bestclimb
How effective is shame as a modifier of behavior?
Good question!
It's a very effective way of maintaining social order in a small community where there is no law imposed by government. It's primarily meant to impose social sanctions in lieu of punishment by law for illegal acts. If everyone in your local community disapproves of your actions, that sends a strong message for you to change your ways. But not if you live in Minnesota, and the offender lives in Florida...
My hope for this event is that the fool in the truck learned a lesson and, more importantly, that others will learn the same lesson without the risk to other road users.
I agree, and I hope the recorded video promotes that.
It seems that the collective ire for rode raged drivers is focused on the unskilled, idiot that lost control of himself and his truck. Hopefully it will bring the issue of road rage more to light and make the calling out of people who put others at risk more acceptable.
Yes. We only need to learn from his bad behaviour not to do the same, or try to avoid it - not pillory him for it.
Ah yes, schadenfreude. It is often the root of envy, mocking derision and marginally sadistic behaviour.