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Old 03-31-2014, 06:52 PM   #116 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Chuck. View Post
What I do know is myself and many others go about their business and did nothing to provoke low lifes like Jeffery Travis White who do this all the why are you assuming "Florida Driver" brought it on?
I had said: But we can never know how the situation began, can we?

That's not assuming anything. One thing is certain, however. There was some interaction between these two drivers, even if it were only their lane positions, speed and other factors relative to their sharing the same road. If there wasn't any interaction, she wouldn't have started recording it, right?

Law enforcement is not dealing with road ragers and when a driver documents one on a video crashing, you focus on her instead of the perp who's had a history of being a hothead.
No, I'm focusing on both of them, because undeiably, both were involved in the situation.

Like many others, I find blaming the victim really twisted. Saying you think Mr White needs his licence pulled is meaningless if you oppose identifying him with the only means available.
She isn't a "victim" and no one is blaming her. Since you are playing the straw man tactic and keep harping on this, I'll say it again. I'd like to see his license revoked - permanently. If he were to lose his license and he were to continue driving he should be incarcerated. So don't imply that I'm defending him or sympathetic to him in any way.

Reckless drivers are a danger to everyone on the road. Recording them, harassing them or being outraged about them solves nothing. If the court were to have zero tolerance for recklessness and stop people like this from endangering the public, that WILL produce a beneficial result.