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Old 04-01-2014, 02:05 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by elhigh View Post
Seriously challenging the rationale behind purchasing new hybrid cars. Better mileage, less poisonous battery chemistry, simpler overall, fully paid for. That's tough to beat no matter how you slice it.
I think similar thoughts. Whenever a Prius passes me, especially one driving NOT like a hypermiler, I think, "SUCKER!!!!" heh, heh, heh....

Some day, if I can ever start hitting 70 mpg on a regular basis, I've thought of getting a bumper sticker made that says something like, "70 MPG - Priuses are gas hogs". That thought originally came about when I started hearing about the Aptera, an extreme aero hybrid that was supposed to get something insane like 125 mpg. I thought that bumper sticker would be great on one of those.

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