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Old 04-02-2014, 05:46 PM   #30 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Location: Carson City, Nevada
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Jimmy - '00 GMC Jimmy SLT
90 day: 21.18 mpg (US)

The White Gnat - '99 Suzuki Swift
Team Suzuki
90 day: 51.87 mpg (US)
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That's a good point. For those who accelerate more than they might need to, the hybrid electric boost helps, then when they don't start slowing as soon a they can, the regenerative braking can recover some of the energy that would otherwise be thrown away. And of course, shutting off the gas engine when idling, etc. So yeah - for a person who does not drive like a hypermiler, probably the hybrid helps "correct" their inefficient driving style.

One thing I've often wondered about, because I've never even driven a hybrid, is how much (intentional) drag the regenerative braking creates. Is is substantial? Is it comparable to downshifting? Maybe I should go to a Honda dealership or used car lot some day and test drive a hybrid, huh?

Like I say, I would LOVE to have a first gen Insight. I'm totally jealous of what MetroMPG got with his boattail mod - 119 mpg or something? Yeah - insane!!!

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