Oh ssnsvibe09, what next? Aside from a Probe IV style wheel cover and underbody cover and some kind of remote heat control, it looks like you've got all the low hanging fruit totally maxed out. Well done.
The basic form of a late model Honda is just nowhere near as blunt as even the most slick modern SUV. My old 81 Mustang is even worse, so its really nothing to remove 70% of the at birth body drag on that. But with all the cladding I plan, your Honda will still have a lower total cdA. There is 30 years of aero work done by the automaker. Look at what I have to do to even get close to what your Honda offered stock.
Things like booth windowing, curtain walling the outer windows and all the tech tips you guys taught are mostly in place or irrelevant to a modern Honda.
On my car, the whole glass window can be covered with a polycarbonate booth window cladding needed, everything dove tailing into the IMSA style curtain wall plexiglass/lexan/polycarbonate. There is some metal that has to be removed from the door so that the booth widow can be flush, but the molding would cover it up to return it to original.

I'm working with a local building supplier and polytechnic to make up a kit.
Booth windowing a Fox is simply one of the most easy factory style aero mod I can think of.
The headlamp covers are dead easy too
Headlight covers??
with a basic GT0204C-79-82 obsolete clear cover around as a template, but extended as a total grille blocker
The grille and headlamp blocker is the biggest sole improvement
Lastly, the chin of the car can take a 2004 March 1 chin spoiler, and a full chloroplast underbody.
I might be a bit busy with this... :hmmm: