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Old 04-06-2014, 06:34 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Aero of teardrop on its side?

I'm considering building a velomobile and have a question about the shapes. Typically they are a 3 dimensional teardrop. I however am looking at building a 2 dimensional teardrop, so it would be aerodynamic from the top view, but essentially a rectangle from the side.

Do I lose anything by having the airflow go around the sides? The bottom would remain flat, which seems like it would be good against the ground plane.

The advantage of this shape would be two fold. 1, ease of construction. I could use flat aluminum plate for each side, top, and bottom.
2. I may add a motor and solar to the flat top side. Solar can recharge power for a velomobile in a few hours.

Any data on this? The templates all go the "wrong" way.


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