I guarantee you the underside of that car is an aerodynamic nightmare. You could do a lot of aero upgrade down there without changing the outward appearance of the vehicle at all. Air dam to start, just to start saving a few bucks.
As others have said, rear skirts were a factory option. If you go a little crazy with homebrew and make yours smoother/bigger, well, most people won't even notice.
One wonders whether a grille block, on this monster, could even have a positive effect.
Upgrade the induction to the '89-and-up TBI. According to Wikipedia this was done for fuel economy purposes, but the EPA's numbers tell me it didn't work. Can't hurt though. It'll be a lot easier to tune for leaner operation.
Subscribed. I'd love to see someone crack 30mpg at cruising speed in one of these whales.

Lead or follow. Either is fine.