Originally Posted by UltArc
So you don't think a Formula 1 car or a Nascar is a race car...alright, I am not going to dig deeper into that. (Seriously? An F1 car is an overpowered muscle car? I really should unsubscribe now )
Did I say those aren't race cars? No, if they're for racing, they're by definition race cars, but their form depends on the rules of the particular type of racing. There's truck racing (
Truck racing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ), tractor racing, and even lawnmower racing.
I'll agree with Webster. So is the Mustang small or low? No - unless your standard of comparison is an SUV. Is it a 2-seater? No. Is it designed for quick response & easy maneuverability? No - again, unless you're comparing against an SUV.
Then there's the not-so-small matter of weight: the 2014 Mustang runs about 3500 lbs, vs about 1600 for a classic Lotus Elise, 2000-2500 for a Miata, etc.