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Old 04-17-2014, 09:31 PM   #22 (permalink)
Hydrogen > EV
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: NW Ohio, United States
Posts: 2,025

Silver Flea - '05 Honda Insight
90 day: 58.96 mpg (US)
Thanks: 994
Thanked 402 Times in 285 Posts now has their new phone out, and now has the Referral Program Back.

Here the Specs on the G

It is more "powerful" than the Moto X, but not as user experience friendly. I do prefer the X, and advise that as the way to go. Moto Maker was the worst internet purchase experience I have ever made, but the Moto X from RW worked flawlessly and without issue.

As also mentioned, the RAF program is up and actually better than ever. If you already have RW, use this process to refer friends:
-Sign in (top right corner)
-Click "My Account"
-Click "Referrals"
-Use any of those methods to spread the love.

Remember, when someone else uses it, BOTH of you get $20 towards your next bill. $10/month plan? Two months paid. $5/month plan? Four months paid.

I advise using your own code to spread the love, and get yourself free time, and the next person free time. Now, the new person gets it right off of their purchase- no waiting until they get their bills. If you don't have a friend with RW, I will be posting my code at the bottom in small print. If you have a friend with RW, use their code! But if you don't, you and I will both save $20.

PM me for a code if you're interested.

Best Tanks:
Mustang - 54.83 mpg (US) at the Green Grand Prix
Insight - 82.91966 mpg (US) over 818.5 miles.
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