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Old 05-01-2014, 11:38 PM   #222 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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did some minor research on how a ultrasonic flow meter functions in a quiet moment .
I have experience with ultrasonics as a non destructive materials (solid materials) testing device , so I understand this concept quiet well.
The concept of ultrasonics & liquid is somewhat more tricky , I will try & pickup some ultrasonic sensors while in Asia ,but that doesn't mean any thing will come from this any time soon .
From what I can gather , firing the ultrasonic signal through the pipe wall is the safest way to go ,although this requires somewhat higher power than required for a distance sensor through air space& a bit of tricky analysis.
Also the fuel needs "x" sized & "x" number of reflective particles in "x" volume to be able to measure any thing at all ,this I don't know , any fuels engineers out there who can sort this one?

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