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Old 05-04-2014, 10:00 PM   #29 (permalink)
Furry Furfag
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Winsight - '00 Honda Insight
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Originally Posted by UltArc View Post
You could flip the on off switch and make it gas only. It's pretty simple, I would have taken some pictures when I did an Insight IMA swap last night. Pull up the rug, take out two 10mm bolts, red cap, flip the switch.

On the highway it would probably be more efficient without the battery, to be honest. They're heavy.
What kind of mpg does it get without the battery? And do you think it could power up a 6% grade for 2 miles? Because I have to do that on a daily basis... You have now sparked my interest knowing that you can just rip the battery out when it goes out until I can find a new one... Also, I looked about 20 mins ago and couldn't find any of them for under 6k. All the ones I found are 7.5-9k...

Also, I want to make a point, I would be perfectly happy to see 40MPG (with whatever car I do get) so anything over that is just pawsome.

[Edit]: I did find this one, but the question is, why would he rebuilt the CVT at only 130k miles? Do they go out that fast?

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