Originally Posted by Piwoslaw
Good going, Sjoegerd
I'm sure you can beat not only 20 km/l, but even 25 with some aeromods (engine undertray, Kammback) and advanced techniques (EOC).
We are thinking about whether to get a Pug 106 for the wife if it turns out she will need to commute by car. Two main factors are that it is light and that the rear hatch is ideal for attaching a Kammback. Is your transmission a 4-speed or 5-speed?
I'm not sure if your commute will permit it, but I've found that leaving the car at home and biking saves a lot of fuel 
20 km/l should be possible I guess. Also I'm looking on the forums about aeromods but with almost no money to spare and limited free time it is not my priority. Unless it is easy and cheap to do. First I want to install a coolant temperature gauge because these engines tend to overheat.
The 106 is a great car for commuting in my opinion. Light, comfortable and great for in the city. Also with 100 km/h on the highway it's much less noisier than my previous car, the Citroën AX. The 106 is a 5-speed by the way
Using the bike saves hell of a lot of fuel! But with my school at 50 km, my work/learn place at 40 km and my girlfriend at 35 km it would be a lot of cycling. :P