Originally Posted by josemapiro
I've been checking the error only happens if disabled (# define ArduinoMega2560 true) with (# define useChryslerMAPCorrection true) active, if you enable (# define ArduinoMega2560 true) already fails to make the mistake.
has error
//#Define true ArduinoMega2560 (corrected)
#Define true useChryslerMAPCorrection
no error
//#Define true ArduinoMega2560 (corrected)
//#Define true useChryslerMAPCorrection
no error
#Define true ArduinoMega2560 (corrected)
#Define true useChryslerMAPCorrection
the error is:c:/program files/arduino/hardware/tools/avr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.2/../../../../avr/lib/avr6/crtm2560.o: In function `__vector_default':
(.vectors+0x4): relocation truncated to fit: R_AVR_13_PCREL against symbol `__vector_1' defined in .text.__vector_1 section in sketch_may13a.cpp.o
This issue appears to be related to the Arduino compiler itself. Apparently, there's some sort of updated toolchain, available at the bottom of this bug report:
I have not myself been able to duplicate the issue, but I am using a stable form of the Arduino IDE.