The CBR600 and TSX both use the same filter, so I stocked up on a bunch when the Purolator's were on sale for something like $3/ea. A company called Green Earth Tech often has gallon containers of oil for free after rebate. The company says the oil is synthetic, renewable, biodegradable, and it has the same API rating as everything else. Oregon has no sales tax.
It's possible to do an oil change for well under $10, but that's besides the point. I could also drive my car for the just the cost of gasoline, but I bought a $65 Ultragauge so that I can have more information. The cost of an oil change has little to do with the value of having information about the vehicle. Some people find a periodic oil analysis worth $25-$35, and others do not.
My Dodge/Cummins truck takes 10 quarts of oil. If someone were to take it to a lube shop and get synthetic oil, it would cost a small fortune. Extending the change interval would quickly add up to a lot of savings in this case.