You, like Brucey, probably can't really afford to give up the Subie. When the snow flies, the only places two-wheel drive really works for Mountaineers are the flatter parking lots, and to the best of my knowledge that's about all the flat land there is in WV. It's pretty bumpy geography where I live, but nothing compared to you guys.
For my own part, I would ditch the Camaro. But a Camaro is more of a lifestyle car, and if you can afford one and like one, then my making that recommendation to you will carry no weight whatsoever. If I were to ditch the Camaro, I would ditch also the Impreza and replace the two of them with a Wrangler. The Wrangler will get lousy fuel mileage but they're damned useful in bad weather. And then I would make up for the fuel economy of the Wrangler with a 2013+ Fiesta with the Ecoboost engine.
Like I said, not much of a lifestyle car owner. Your tastes may vary.

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