Here are the co2 emissions of representative vehicles that people drive. The article used a contrived "mpg co2 equivalent" term so the average person could compare. Instead i used grams per mile of co2 emitted which is a more accurate comparison. Wells to wheels co2 allows us to see the real co2 emissions of an electric vehicle charging from a clean and dirty grid. The point is that if you want near 0 zero emissions you have to do your part to buy electricity from clean energy sources!
MPG....Model...Tail pipe co2.....Wells to wheels co2 emmisions
28mpg..Camry 317 grams a mile....(395 gpm wells to wheels)
46mpg..Prius 193 grams a mile......(241 gpm wells to wheels)
50mpg..Prius 178 grams a mile......(222 gpm wells to wheels)
70mpg..Insight ~127 grams a mile (158 gpm wells to wheels) SULEV CVT (@70mpg)
99mpge Nissan Leaf 0 grams a mile(119 grams a mile) [New England mixed grid]
99mpge Nissan Leaf 0 grams a mile(201 grams a mile) [Austin Texas mixed grid]
99mpge Nissan Leaf 0 grams a mile(293 grams a mile) [Kansas grid 72.8% coal] (Worst)
99mpge Nissan Leaf 0 grams a mile(1.9 grams a mile) Charged exclusively from Hydropower! (Best)
Depending on your hypermiling activities, you may be emitting less co2 than an Electric car in some instances. On the other hand, you could be emitting far more co2! Co2 emissions are primarily proportionate to the mpg you get, gasoline or diesel. Exhaust treatment is a secondary factor. The 5800mpg co2 equivalent for Hydropower, is 1.9 grams a mile, not 0 emissions but close enough!
This is a portrait of my NewEngland mixed grid compared to the national average. It shows that coal power is a percentage of the grid. It's never 0% coal, or 100% coal! I'm lucky that i receive more in renewable than coal.
It also shows that shutting down coal plants will not crash the grid and end the world! 10.8% coal can be easily replaced with renewables!