Originally Posted by Baltothewolf
So I sold my Camry yesterday to a guy, and he drove it to work today (all the way down to L.A, that's about a 120ish mile drive) and the radiator blew and the head gasket went.
Sounds to me like the radiator failed and he didn't bother to stop driving, so the headgasket failed.
None of us "know" you (it's just a forum, after all), but assuming you are the honest person you seem to be, I'll assume you weren't aware of a bad headgasket and let the buyer know about the issues you were aware of with the car. So.... don't worry about it, he has no case. You sold him a car with known problems that was recently in a collision for a low price. He should have checked it over for himself to make sure it was in good working order before driving it. Proving you are at fault will be difficult.
I would just politely tell the guy that you were unaware of any issues regarding the headgasket and feel no obligation to pay for it. Then leave it be unless it actually goes to court. Tell him nothing that might be construed as accepting fault.
Oh, and it's probably not in your best interest to disclose the sale price on a public forum. That is between you and the seller.