Originally Posted by elhigh
This paradigm of auto manufacturers refunding money to vehicle owners for cars not measuring up to their EPA stickers is completely new, utterly foreign to me. In the old days the ads very plainly said, "Your mileage may vary," which was code for "It'll be a cold day in Galveston before you get numbers this good," and we all understood that and it was okay.
God help us when people start analyzing EPA stickers vs. various cars' real world equipment, and start buying them specifically in anticipation of some future mileage-related payout.
People as a group failing to reach the posted MPG rating was what highlighted the problem, but the payout is not technically for that. It's for fudging the numbers and posting a rating that's too high. When the lower-rated Prius V was beating the higher-rated C-Max when driven side by side on the same road, something was clearly wrong.
Ford, along with Hyundai, are paying owners for the difference in EPA rated mileage, regardless of what the individual driver is actually achieving.