Banging on the guy to change to a different ride feels unwelcoming. He's not here touting his miracle 85mpg bolt-on doodad, he's looking for advice and suggestions, and has already politely denied changing to a different vehicle. I totally get giving a Unicorn salesman a hard time, but EcoSuperDuty is just another pilgrim on the road.
Besides, the name at the top of the page is EcoMODDER - which is to say, making the best out of what you have, not changing up to something else.
EcoSD: I know you're not willing to make big visual changes to the truck, but I also know there's a lot of room underneath your rig for extra/new plumbing. I see you lamenting the price of fuel in your previous post, how do you feel about adding a WVO system? Then you could fuel up with free or nearly-free oil from local restaurants, and your main fuel cost would be in petrodiesel burned to warm the engine and WVO tank, and time spent collecting the WVO.
Lead or follow. Either is fine.