Originally Posted by redpoint5
...I might be willing to get behind the extra tax if the gooberment could manage the ethical fortitude to set spending at no higher than revenues, and apply the extra funds to paying down the debt....
It's only been 14 years since we elected a President who campaigned on the
promise to
eliminate the federal budget surplus.
While the dot-com bust of 1999 had a negative effect on tax revenue, the idea that "Whoever pays taxes gets a tax break." resulted in $3.5B in deficit spending during that 8 year term (starting in 2002, as 2001 budgets were already set) plus another $4.0B in the following 3 years to try and stave off a major recession.
Next time you want to blame someone, look in the mirror, and remember Pogo's sage observation:
"We have met the enemy and he is us."
We get the government we elect, and we elected this deficit. Be careful what you ask for...
HAve fun,