Originally Posted by 83gs1100g
i know its not going to spike in power. what gave you that idea? what i am referring to is you will feel what is like when the a/c kicks on and off. that suttle change in power is the same as L/B engaging and disengaging. the shift light is my gauge for when L/b kicks in and out. when shift light comes on L/B will engage if you stay easy on throttle. my buddy has one and he says he cant tell when his L/b kicks in and out. so i drove it and i can tell. its very similar to a/c kicking on and off..
-First. Your use of the words "sudden increase" gave me that idea.
-Second. Your shift light keeps you in L/B. It does not engage it! L/B is the DEFAULT mode. The shift light tells you that if you DON'T shift now you will leave L/B (12 valves) and enter 16 valve operation.
-Third. You are getting ONE valve per cylinder. ONE. You can possibly expect to feel ONE valve kick it. ONE. When you turn your A/C off/on you're feeling the power of the ENTIRE engine being loaded/unloaded. You're gaining a SINGLE valve per cylinder, ONE! At a time! Not all at once. Apple to oranges; "lean burn" to A/C on/off.