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Old 06-25-2014, 08:55 PM   #82 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Frank Lee View Post
The higher cost consumers get subsidized by the lower cost consumers- isn't that true of all insurance? Those who have never caused a claim should have darn near free insurance premiums vs those who wreck on a regular basis should be paying for their own repairs and the repairs for those they've wrecked into... right? But that isn't how it is.
1) Regular accidents WILL raise auto insurance premiums. Insurance premiums should be based strictly on the risk profile of the insured person. Health insurance is not allowed to take into account many aspects of the insured person's risk profile and has to increase premiums on low-risk people to make up for it.

2) Medical "insurance" isn't insurance at all. Insurance means you pay into a policy that will pay out for well-defined unforeseen expenses. Medical "insurance" pays for routine doctor visits, birth control, medication, OB/GYN, etc,. That would be like having auto insurance pay for maintaining your vehicle.

Get "insurance" out of the picture, and knock down the monopolistic protections that the healthcare industry has and healthcare cost will be cut down to 10-20% of what they currently are and you could afford it out-of-pocket.

Don't believe me? Find a bill for some sort of surgery (yours or someone elses) and compare with the Surgery Center of Oklahoma | Free market-loving, price-displaying, state-of-the-art, AAAHC accredited, doctor owned, multispecialty surgical facility in central OK.. They publish their prices for all to see, and run about a third of what most surgeries do.
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