Originally Posted by Old Tele man
Ahhh, but "new" ain't always better: steam, like compressed air, is far more easy to repair than cremated electrical systems, in the middle of combat! Sorry, but sometimes (often?) "Low Tech" is simply better.
Fun tangent. Like when they came out with AFATADS 20 years ago: Ft. Sill stopped teaching FDC types how to plot fires with a map and their funky ruler because they had computers now. Later, they gave the gun line GLPS to make us reliant on GPS for laying the tubes as well. Maps don't break, and any battery's advance party is going to have upwards of a dozen good compasses. But paper maps and compasses don't lead to beefy contracts (evidence of supporting the troops and sources of campaign donations).
But as far as being honest about what works goes, the federal gas tax was how Washington funded all their highway spending, and I think that's a great idea: the spending is funded by a relevant tax. Back in 08 it fell short and Washington had to borrow money to keep it going. It's kept falling short and we keep borrowing money to keep it funded. We either need to spend less on maintaining our infrastructure, keep adding to the deficit to fund ongoing multiyear projects or adjust the tax that is dedicated to paying for those projects.
I think we should admit that we've had 21 years of inflation since the tax was set and adjust it. I'm trying not to oppress anyone with big government views or anything.