Originally Posted by Grant-53
The fundamental question is whether any tax can be collected and spent efficiently for the maximum benefit of the community.
NO. The fundamental question and the entire theme of this thread is whether a tax should be collected and spent for a specific, dedicated purpose!
There are a number of tasks best suited to government functions. Among those are common defense, punishment of crimes that directly cause harm to others, reliable weights and measures including currency, and possibly some public utility projects. Addressing poverty is a function of our religious beliefs and practice. We are tempted by fear of loss to "make the other guy pay" so we can get what we want. This happens in business and in government. The question is can an increase in fuel taxes improve our collective well-being? Given the current state of affairs my answer is: not much. The humanist/socialist operating model is self defeating which is why I favor the compassionate conservative model. We as ecomodders value improved efficiency and personal initiative. I have lived most of my life below the so called poverty line. If earned income credits and Medicaid has helped me deal with times of poor health, I am grateful and volunteer my time to help others when I can. I vote and my elected officials hear from me when I can add value to the public debate. We raise our children with the skills to earn their way and help others. Better to pray on your knees than to prey on your neighbors.
I have no quarrel with the rest of what you said.