I have in the past, gone back to correct or improve my CNC layouts (specifically to put spreaders in the hatch door opening to maintain the correct locations, as well as several other smaller issues), but for this it is not so easy. I will try to account for this, though. As I said earlier, this area of the model was only done on the outside surfaces, and the entire interior of the motor bay was a guesstimate I added in 2D to the sections of the model.
If I build another prototype, I will use a different method: I'd start with the aluminum honeycomb fiberglass composite sheets, and fold them to for the basic box of the passenger compartment, and then add layers of CNC cut foam to that to form the outside shape of the car. Much quicker, and more accurate, and with better 3D control of the shape and structure.
If you look at the Team TREV vehicle, I would do something very similar to that.