Originally Posted by XYZ
Why should you care about what other people think? The mental attitudes of anyone, including hordes of people is NOT what affects you.
Certainly those attitudes affect me when they're translated into actions. Of course, if their thoughts are just fantasies, they won't bother me. (Or anyone: see e.g. the case of the NYC 'Cannibal Cop' in recent news.)
Thing is, if people think stupid things, their actions are likely to be stupid as a consequence. There are plenty of people who may think smart but do stupid, but (at least in my experience) darned few who think stupid but do smart.
The technology exists to make clean use of coal. The current government will not permit it.
Suggest you study some chemistry and thermodynamics. You aren't going to get energy out of coal without combining it with oxygen to produce CO2. As I said, Unicorn Corral material.
What did the cops say when you called them? Tell us more.
That they had informed him about diesel truck idling ordinances, about not operating construction equipment before 7 am in a residential area, and about it not being advisable to make physical threats against people.
You don't have a right or "the freedom" of always having "cool, fresh air".
OK, I can't control the weather, but I do have the right to whatever natural air is going.
You don't have the right to prohibit all noise you might find offensive or unacceptable to you, except during hours when it is considered unacceptable according to standards set by laws in your locale.
Oh, so you think it's ok to make laws about this stuff now? And as noted above, in this locale there
are ordinances against idling diesel trucks, requiring working mufflers on vehicles, etc.
Has it occurred to you that what he is doing may not be directed towards you with the express purpose of annoying you?
Of course. I'm not so egotistical as to think he does it with the express purpose of annoying
me. I suspect (though since I don't read minds, I don't actually know) that he does it primarily because he's a thoughtless idiot who has no consideration for others, and quite possibly bolsters his ego that way. This is supported by what I've learned about him from people who've dealt with him. He seems to be the sort of person who'd rather make a crooked dime than an honest dollar.
By now, after you called the cops, he knows how to 'push your buttons', and so he will. Only you can change your response to it.
But the next time (if there is one), my response won't be to call the cops :-)