Originally Posted by XYZ
You frame this in terms of "stupid" vs. "smart". Irrational vs. irrational may be a more fitting description. BTW, "stupid" and "crazy" are two very different states of mind.
And your point?
[/quote]As I said, the technology does exist, but it is politically unwelcome under the current administration.[/quote]
OK, show us how it's possible to produce energy from coal without generating CO2. Then tell us what on Earth politics have, or should have, to do with science.
What is the ordinance about diesel truck idling? It probably doesn't fall under the construction ordinance of noise before 7 AM.
What, you expect me to look up & cite local & ordinances for you? You ask too much.
What threats did he make against you?
Basically, that he was going to beat the crap out of me, and coming after me with fists raised.
HUH? You don't have a "right" to "natural air"..."going". What does that phrase mean?
You do speak English, don't you? What I mean is that I (like anyone else) have the right to whatever the outside air happens to be, whether it's a nice cool early morning breeze, or hot and dry afternoon wind.
"If there is one"??? In your earlier posts you made it sound like this is a regularly occurring event.
His idling diesel pickup is the regularly-occuring event. His physical threats were the one-time thing.