I believe it is. Many readers here probably have it now.
I may be missing many of the finer points due to my condition, but is this debate about "the right to do whatever" vs "whatever ends at my nose"? And the example is a belligerent diesel pickup-idling a-hole?
That is a conundrum. On one hand they told us in school that the U.S.A. is
Brave. On the other there evidently is some interest in reining in complete anarchy as evidenced by the near universal nationwide adoption of anti-noise disruption laws and ordinances. On the third hand is knowing there can be a mighty big gulf between having a law on the books and the enforcers giving a **** about enforcing it.
I had some neighbors that evidently loooooved the sound of unmuffled ICEs. Every vehicle the punk a$$es got immediately got aftermarket crap exhaust systems. Polite and assertive requests by me to quell the cacophony were met with the typical response (never to my face, of course): "Oh, we found a way to piss people off- let's do more of it! (and lets invite our circle of worthless little friends to join in)" Assertiveness failed and alerting the "enforcers"
failed even worse. It took me a long time to realize that since they loved the sound of unmuffled ICEs so and I was in Rome, so to speak, I would do as the Romans do and treat them to even more.
Meet Mowmar Cutoffy:
Yes, that's a stinger, and wow does that 11HP biatch ever scream... and it takes almost two hours to mow the lawn. I'd don a nice H.D. pair of ear protectors for mowing. I noticed my friends across the way would scatter like cockroaches shortly after I started but I wasn't about to waste all that valuable sonic energy; I'd stop and do something else until I noticed they were back.
Their house is up for sale now.
It's too bad I couldn't come up with a different, better solution. Oh well.
Hope I haven't triggered additional cases of A.D.D.- sorry.