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Old 07-09-2014, 09:31 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by wdb View Post
Why is this thread not in the Unicorn Corral?
Because the Unicorn Corral is reserved for phony, baloney apparatuses that appeal to ecomodding, but can't possibly work in the real, physical world.

The Unicorn Corral is about physical representations of pseudo-technology, usually from those trying to make a quick buck from ecomodders who might otherwise buy them.

The Lounge is about OPINIONS. Good, bad, indifferent - political of every stripe - all opinions are allowed and accepted as long as civility is maintained.

Although I have actually learned something; I am a non-conservative. Pardon me while I buy a diesel dually which I have no right -- no, every right -- wait, that's wrong, no right -- to do, and please pass the parmesan.

EDIT: And bunnies!
I don't understand that last paragraph, although it is good that you may have leanrned something. However it does seem to me that you may have a problem with tolerating a difference of opinion, especially from those who think differently than you. BTW, I'm not much of a Conservative. But I'm not trying to silence anyone, either.

So if what is said in The Lounge upsets you, don't read what is said there.