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Old 07-09-2014, 08:33 PM   #61 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
Why is this thread?
Why ask why? Where was this thread.
No, why is the question. Where's easy: it used to be in "Ecomodding Central" (IIRC), but got moved to The Lounge.

As for why, seems like the OP wasn't interested in the question per se, but wanted to use it as a springboard to talk about the use of fossil fuels in industrial scale agriculture.

As for where food comes from, that depends. At the moment, I'm getting peas, potatos, strawberries, & green onions from my garden. Got asparagus and cherries earlier this year; expect to have broccoli, lettuce, peppers, cucumbers, melons, apples, pears, grapes, and quince in due season. No peaches this year, alas, and the blackberries, mulberries, hazelnuts & kiwi aren't mature enough to bear yet.

Could probably get a few rabbits & quail, too.

Last edited by jamesqf; 07-10-2014 at 12:33 PM..
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Old 07-09-2014, 09:19 PM   #62 (permalink)
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Sounds like a fantastic garden. The heat killed everything I was growing except my kale.
Old 07-09-2014, 09:31 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by wdb View Post
Why is this thread not in the Unicorn Corral?
Because the Unicorn Corral is reserved for phony, baloney apparatuses that appeal to ecomodding, but can't possibly work in the real, physical world.

The Unicorn Corral is about physical representations of pseudo-technology, usually from those trying to make a quick buck from ecomodders who might otherwise buy them.

The Lounge is about OPINIONS. Good, bad, indifferent - political of every stripe - all opinions are allowed and accepted as long as civility is maintained.

Although I have actually learned something; I am a non-conservative. Pardon me while I buy a diesel dually which I have no right -- no, every right -- wait, that's wrong, no right -- to do, and please pass the parmesan.

EDIT: And bunnies!
I don't understand that last paragraph, although it is good that you may have leanrned something. However it does seem to me that you may have a problem with tolerating a difference of opinion, especially from those who think differently than you. BTW, I'm not much of a Conservative. But I'm not trying to silence anyone, either.

So if what is said in The Lounge upsets you, don't read what is said there.
Old 07-09-2014, 09:44 PM   #64 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post

OK. "Conservative and Liberal as labels has lost their original meaning[s]. First Democrats were Red and Republicans were Blue, then they swiched. I get so confused. I do know 'Democrat Party' is a slur.
You instincts are correct, but your grasp of the political spin of recent years is lacking.

From Wiki:

Red states and blue states refer to those states of the United States whose residents predominantly vote for the Republican Party (red) or Democratic Party (blue) presidential candidates.

This terminology came into use in the United States presidential election of 2000 on an episode of the Today show on October 30, 2000. According to AlterNet and The Washington Post, the terms were coined by journalist Tim Russert, during his televised coverage of the 2000 presidential election.[1] That was not the first election during which the news media used colored maps to depict voter preferences in the various states, but it was the first time a standard color scheme took hold; the colors were often reversed or different colors used before the 2000 election.
The colors were deliberately and essentially reversed to invoke confusion among the populace. "Red" has always represented the Left wing of politics including Socialism and Communism. I don't think Tim Russert was behind it; I think it was a decision of a major TV news network.

It's nice that we're in agreement. As I said the whole Left-Right division is a mystery to me. I consider myself a social anarchist.
You can say and think anything you please in The Lounge. But if you are a socialist/anarchist you know that "red" is traditionally the color of your flags.
Old 07-09-2014, 10:00 PM   #65 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jamesqf View Post
As for why, seems like the OP wasn't interested in the question [i]per se[/u], but wanted to use it as a springboard to talk about the use of fossil fuels in industrial scale agriculture.
You may be right. “What difference, at this point, does it make?"
Why don't you let the OP speak for himself?

As for where food comes from, that depends. At the moment, I'm getting peas, potatos, strawberries, & green onions from my garden. Got asparagus and cherries earlier this year; expect to have broccoli, lettuce, peppers, cucumbers, melons, apples, pears, grapes, and quince in due season. No peaches this year, alas, and the blackberries, mulberries, hazelnuts & kiwi aren't mature enough to bear yet.

Could probably get a few rabbits & quail, too.
Yes, it depends. It depends upon sun and water and fertilizer and your tending your garden to make it grow. I applaud your self reliance. I do it, too. But if your crop happens to be wiped out due to unexpected circumstances, your sustenance might depend upon trucks delivering the final stage of the commercial food network to a local store so you can have something to eat.
Old 07-09-2014, 11:47 PM   #66 (permalink)
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We may have a good garden this year too. Our apple orchard is doing great. Blackberry crop is probably sold. Our pears not so good. Been pulling lots of squash, by the wagon load. Tomatos are coming on.

Of course this was not precisely about God or where food comes from. I saw it in jest here, but a friend who works at a prison bakery as a manager asked his inmates that question.

The most common answer was "from the store." He would say where does the store get their food and the answer was inevitably "from the back of the store". These were mostly lower educated urban guys but I am sure many of them are serious.

We need to keep in mind the importance of agriculture. Without a massive system that is feeding, what is it 7 billion people. There would be mass starvation. People that live in urban areas mainly are ignorant about what goes on in the rural areas.

I originally posted it in general as there was a poster who made a thread about black smoke being emitted from trucks as a political message. Was it moved as well?
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” George Orwell

“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe.

The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed.”

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Old 07-10-2014, 02:20 AM   #67 (permalink)
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I read that while not logged in and "from the store" was a cyan double-underlined clickable link and I read it as "from the stars", and I was all like 'right on', until I read on.

Originally Posted by XYZ
You instincts are correct, but your grasp of the political spin of recent years is lacking.
Yes, it makes my head spin. It's nice they've settled that lately, but I was there for the one-way-then-the-other part. There was a time when neither party existed. The Republicans, for one, were close to schismism not too far back.

Red states and blue states refer to those states of the United States whose residents predominantly vote for the Republican Party (red) or Democratic Party (blue) presidential candidates.

[exactly the paragraphs I had in mind when I typed that.]

Quote:You can say and think anything you please in The Lounge. But if you are a socialist/anarchist you know that "red" is traditionally the color of your flags.
Certainly not socialist. Social anarchist is as opposed to individualist or 'lifestyle' anarchist. Then are parsed out in exhastive detail here. Think Occupy vs Black Block.

There's foxes in the hen house
Cows out in the corn
The unions have been busted
Their proud red banners torn
To listen to the radio
You'd think that all was well
But you and me and Cisco know
It's going straight to hell

So come back, Emma Goldman
Rise up, old Joe Hill
The barracades are goin' up
They cannot break our will
Come back to us, Malcolm X
And Martin Luther King
We're marching into Selma
As the bells of freedom ring


Steve Earle — Christmas Time In Washington — lyrics from El Corazón

Last edited by freebeard; 07-10-2014 at 02:28 AM..
Old 07-10-2014, 12:41 PM   #68 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
But you and me and Cisco know
It's going straight to hell
Not quite sure how a major networking equipment manufacturer makes it in there :-)
Old 07-10-2014, 01:49 PM   #69 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by XYZ View Post
But if your crop happens to be wiped out due to unexpected circumstances, your sustenance might depend upon trucks delivering the final stage of the commercial food network to a local store so you can have something to eat.
That's what home canning and freezing is for. I keep at least a year's worth of home canned foods on my shelves. I tend to minimize the amount of food stored in the freezer since an extended power outage can wipe it out. The canning process uses more energy than prepping food for the freezer, but freezer power usage makes canning more energy efficient in the long term.
Old 07-10-2014, 01:51 PM   #70 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by XYZ View Post
Once charts and graphs are dragged into a discussion it reminds me of the strategy of former presidential candidate, Ross Perot. Ol' Ross was dependent upon his props and he wasn't very convincing without them.
Funny, I remember reading comments that his charts were hand-drawn, but I cannot find any!

Hand-drawn charts might not have been convincing...

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