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Old 07-13-2014, 05:50 PM   #31 (permalink)
user removed
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I figured out how to do it.

First it is glass beads, very non agressive stuff, nothing like sand blasting.

On my old 49 Plymouth the vent window handles where chromed pot metal, in bad looking shape. I had nothing to loose so I tried the glass bead and it was amazing how good they looked.

Next I had a 1903 Springfield original Warner Swasey sniper (first US issued scoped sniper rifle ever made, WW1 era) reciever that had been chromed and converted to a drill rifle. I used the same glass bead blaster to remove the chrome from the reciever, including the brass under the chrome.


Based on those experiences and knowing that the chrome is never going to be perfect with some scattered light pitting that can not be cleaned up, I used the glass beads to clean primarily the spokes and hub, with a very quick longer distance shot at the rims, inside and outside which almost instantly removes the surface rust. Then I can polish the chrome and wax it or shoot some clear engine paint on it depending on how good the chrome looks.

My goal is preservation over restoration and this method stops the deterioration in it's tracks while retaining the condition without rechroming or repainting, both of which are expensive and a waste of money you will never recover when you sell the vehicle.

Old chrome, before the age of computers was of a quality you can not get anymore. The thickness is enough that you can "get away" with some serious abrasive cleaning and still have enough chrome left to really look good.

It's almost an art and a gamble combined.

I could buy new rims from Thailand with spokes and hubs for less than 40 each, but nothing, in my opinion beats the original parts. Thay have been there close to 50 years.


Last edited by user removed; 07-13-2014 at 05:57 PM..
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